
Friday, May 27, 2011

Today =)

Ok! I put up some pictures!! they're just whatever (random) pictures! So, Not much has been going on this week, it's been raining like crazy... oh! Heather got a job working at Cato's! It's awesome! Michael went to Missouri with one of his friends and his family! He got back today, he was gone for 3 days! Ummmm, That's about it! I'm not sure what we have planed for this evening! Heather has to go to work =( my mom is making Gumbo, my dad went to get something at a car place,Dallas is still working, Leanna and Austen are playing the Wii and I am doing a blog post!!! Fun fun! Oh I almost forgot! We got baby Ducks today! They smell and they poop ALL the time! But they are cute!=) So it's ok!! Well I'm gonna stop blabbing! Enjoy the pictures!!



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